Anyway, without further aduix (or however you spell that):
1995 Mustang GTS
This is the LX 5.0 of the 90s if anyone remembers those. This is our Autocross toy and my most heavily modified vehicle. The engine internals are stock and probably will remain so as we have a hankerin' for the new 5.0 in the 2011 Mustang's. Probably keep the car and just swap engines. THAT should give me plenty to write about, eh?
So far we have added sub frame connectors, H&R Super sport springs, Polly bushings, braided steal brake lines, drilled / slotted rotors. EBC "yellow stuff" pads, boxed the stock upper control arms, added camber plates and a "MAC" strut tower brace (more on that in an upcoming blog. suffice it to say, I don't recommend them). There is probably more but that's all the chassis stuff I can remember right now.
As for the engine, it has under drive pulleys, "MAC" shorty headers (I don't really recommend these either. notice a trend?) a "UPR" off road "X" pipe, "Flowmaster 40s", "EBay" cold air intake, 70MM Mas Air Flow Sensor, 24lb injectors, 70MM "Professional Products" Throttle body, a "Typhoon" intake (It's Professional Products rip off of Vic Edelbrock's "Performer" intake.... sorry Vic, your stuff was WAY more expensive and this was a gift), 160* thermostat and bumped timing (I forget bumped to what, Ill have to add that later) .
What's next? Good question. It has SO MUCH more I am wanting to do to it that will allow me to stay in class (except for the engine that'll kick me WAY up the scale, if I do it) and truthfully, I am starting to hanker for another car. My Dad just bought an old Miata and while I haven't driven HIS yet, I did drive a couple while we were looking for his and I LOVED them! NO power but, I can't think of a time you would have to take your foot off the floor for anything! They corner like a cat on shag.
Back to the question at hand though, the Mustang needs a Panhard Bar, a torque arm, a short throw shifter, race seats, and a tune. Waffling between the tune and the panhard bar at this point. I think either would be as effective curing different problems at this point. It'll probably come down to what ever I can get the best deal on. OH and TIRES! It's been 2 years since I had a good set of race tires. I am beginning to miss them. I am partial to the Hoosier A6s but if your not careful with them, you can cord them easy. Until my wife gets a bit farther along (sorry if your reading this, Hon. I LOVE YOU), I think we'll stick to the street tires.
There is also a 1986 Yamaha FJ1200 that I have had since...1997, I think. See, told you I get attached. I have been through the carburetors on this thing so many times, I could do them blindfolded. The main reason for that is because I am too lazy to drain them at the end of the (painfully short) season. I used to ride this from Logan, UT to Boise, ID every other weekend for about 3 years so, it has racked up some miles. It really is a member of the family at this point, I can't imagine ever getting rid of it. The eventual goal with this is a complete restore / resto-mod. I want people to walk by it and go "hey! that looks like the one I used to have! Wait, no it doesn't... what's different?" Right now, it is pretty tattered. Compression on the 2 middle cylinders is about mid range and pretty good for a bike this old. Number 1 is PERFECT and number 4 is down to 70 psi. I can't believe it still fires at all. Believe it or not, it still pulls pretty hard but will pop out of 2nd (shift forks were a known problem) when you grab a hand full and burns more oil than a 2-stroke! It didn't get ridden at all last year because it is embarrassing how much work it needs. This year, it will probably get ridden more just because I can't stand looking at everyone else ride for another year. Eventually (hopefully soon) we'll add a 1250 Bandit to the mix then this will be a full time project.
(Too embarrassing to add a pic)
Then there is the1983 Yamaha YZ125 basket case that may never make it back together. Originally, this was supposed to be a learner bike for the kids but, well things don't always go as we plan, do they? Now it sits forlorn in the corner. When I get a wild hair up my nose, I sit and fiddle with it for a bit. Someday, I might get it together enough to teach the wife how to ride. The most upsetting part is that when that bike was new, I thought it was the ULTIMATE motorcycle (yea, I was pretty young). To see it neglected in the corner is sickening. Young me would kick old (er) me square in the ...... well, you get the point.

I am also going to include my Dad's Miata. No, it isn't mine but, I have a feeling it is going to spend a lot of time in my stable. We just replaced the top on it earlier this week (another upcoming rant into the cyberabyss). Honestly, it wasn't NEARLY as hard as people make it out to be. As soon as you get your head around how it all goes together, it becomes pretty simple, if time consuming. This is MUCH easier as a 2 person job though. It is probably doable as a 1 person job but...I sure wouldn't want to do it! Next week ( I think) Dad is driving it down to park in the stable when they fly out to California. While they are gone for two weeks, I get to replace all the suspension bushings and install some adjustable Koni Yellows...Yummy! After that's done, we take it in for a performance alignment (0 toe & 1.4 total static camber) and then to the nearest autocross so it can be "driven in anger" in a safe environment. It ought to change direction quicker than a politician and hang on corners... WELL! We took it out and drove it pretty hard (for on the street) before we started the top. Even bone stock and 16 years old, it hangs really well. A couple of simple mods and it should be phenomenal! Good choice Dad!
Then we have the daily drivers: F150 and Focus. There might be a blurb in here off and on if there is nothing else to write about but... can't imagine that will happen often.
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